Currently there is no way for a user to log out of the device once they have completed a transaction or finished their shift. It is possible to switch users, but not log one out.
The work-around for this is to create a new device role called LOGOUT with limited permissions (current default roles are Employee, Manager, Owner), as well as a device user with no permissions.
When a User needs to log out of a terminal they will need to log IN to the LOG OUT user, effectively logging themselves out. The next time a User needs to log into the device they will log into their own User as normal.
1. Log into and click on Users on the bottom left hand side of the navigation bar.
2. Select Device users, click on Role and Permissions on the right hand side corner. Select Add custom role button on the right hand side corner.
3. Uncheck all permissions for the LOGOUT role, and Save. The new Role should look like this:
4. Go back to the Device User section, and click on Add device user in order to assign the new LOGOUT role. The new Device User LOG OUT will look like this:
5. After selecting 'ADD DEVICE USER >>' the new LOG OUT Device User will appear on the terminal as an optional User.
6. Choose the user LOG OUT user, effectively logging themselves out. If the LOG OUT does try to access one of the tabs, they will see an error message saying they do not have the proper permissions and can switch users.
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