Taxes, fees and discounts can be created and managed from the terminal itself, or through Poynt HQ (
Predefining discounts and fees allows you to quickly and easily apply them on items or orders. Predefining taxes allows the Register and Terminal apps to automatically calculate taxes for the taxable item or for the entire transaction.
Within the Catalog app, you can create taxes, discounts, and fees and associate them to certain catalogs. When that particular catalog is assigned to your terminal, these can then be applied to an individual item or to the entire order within the Register app.
In the above example, you can see that there is one catalog created (Yam’s Wine Bar), which has multiple categories. There are no fees or discounts associated with this catalog but there are three taxes.
Poynt HQ:
In Poynt HQ, you can create taxes, discounts and fees two ways: using the links on the left hand side of the screen, or the links right under the Create Category box. This will also show how many taxes, fees and discounts are associated with each catalog.
In this series of articles, we’ll go through in detail on how to create and apply taxes, discounts, and fees on both the terminal and Poynt HQ. Note that the process for creating all three is identical.
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