At times, you may need to process transactions which are not Check-In, Check-Out, or Quick Stay. For all of these other transactions, use the Sale tab. You will be prompted to select/tap the applicable Sale transaction type. Sale transactions for the types Purchase and Delayed Charge will also prompt for Extra Charge reasons; you may select more than one Extra Charge reason for that transaction. Sale type and Extra Charge reason(s) will appear on the guest receipt as well as Transaction Reports.
For Sale transactions, the customer’s card will be authorized for the Total Amount entered in and be immediately captured and placed in the current day’s Open Settlement Batch until the batch closes later that day by the lodging clerk/manager.
Step 1: To begin a Sale transaction (which will capture funds on the same day) tap on the Sale Select a Sale transaction type. Tap Next.
Step 2: For Sale Types of “Purchase” or “Delayed Charges”, you will also be prompted to choose “Extra Charge Reasons”. Select/tap all reasons which apply. Tap Next.
Step 3: Enter the Total Amount for the Sale transaction. Tap Next.Step 4: Enter the Room Number for the guest to associate the Sale transaction to the guest’s room stay. Tap Next. Step 5: Enter the Folio Number for the stay. Tap Next.
Note: Folio Number is an optional Lodging setting that can be disabled in the HQ web portal > Store Settings > Lodging Settings tab.
Step 6: Insert / Swipe Card or Tap NFC for Payment. Wait for the card authorization.
Step 7: Wait for the customer signature on the customer screen.
Option: You can also choose to skip this step and obtain signature on the printed receipt. Tap ‘Skip Signature’ to proceed to Receipt screen. Wait for customer receipt selection (email, paper, none or text).
Option: You can also print out a receipt by tapping on the ‘Receipt’ tab.
Step 8: Alternatively, guests may elect to process their Sale transaction using cash. To do so, simply open the more payment options menu by tapping "Credit", and select Cash.
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